Whew! Gotta remember how to breathe. So much to remember! But so little time.
Days fly by, I've got to spend them wisely. Each day that passes, I'll never get back.
Does what I'm doing matter? Or am I wasting precious time? Limited time.
Competitions arise in my mind. Making the right choice is essential.
Make the wrong one, & I'll always wonder what would have happened if I'd made the right one.
Wear a smile, when I'm frowning inside. I can't let everyone know how weak I am.
Not enough hours in the day, can the clock hand move any faster??
If I'm not careful, I'll look back in 20 years and say, "What have I done?"
Everything that's important to me now, the sun in my solar system,
Will that matter when my time has run out?
All my success, my failures, & embarrassing mistakes...how will they shape me to be who I am?
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