Saturday, December 5, 2009


If you given the chance to do one thing over again, what would you do? You could erase any mistake you've ever made. No one would remember, it would be as if it had never happened. Ooooh :) This is gonna be good. I could erase that time someone stepped on my toe nail and it popped off....or I could erase that time I hit my brother in the knee with a shovel.....or erase the time I flipped the four wheeler. Jackpot! Hmmm, but which to choose? So many mistakes....


What if that guy had never stepped on my toe nail? Maybe something even worse would have happened. Maybe seconds later, a wild boar would have jumped off the stage and bit it off? Hey, it's happened before. What if I hadn't hit my brother in the knee with a shovel? He would have completely ruined my snow fort. Although it may not seem like it, I think I made the right decision. What if I hadn't flipped the four wheeler? There could have been a badger or something that ran out in front of me, and I coulda hit that and went flying!

I think I'll just stick to making mistakes. It's what I do best :)

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