Sunday, February 28, 2010


One of my other possible column ideas was the topic of cheating. I feel very passionate about this subject. I CAN NOT stand cheaters!!!! Ugh, seriously! It's stealing the efforts of others. You're cheating of of someone who a. studied more than you (or is a buddy of yours and is just as dumb as you but he's the only one within cheating range) b. is all-around smarter than you are (although they're just as much of a genius as you are in the morals department) c. won't be plagued with the guilt of knowing you just stole someone else's answers. It isn't just on tests that cheating bugs me. Kids will totally forget about a math assignment, or just be plain lazy, or KNOW that someone will let them copy their answers so they just don't do it on purpose!! C'mon! All cheating does is get you a one-time good grade. You don't learn anything (unless you got caught or had a sudden attack of morale) and you're no smarter than before you copied the answer. Cheating will just hurt you more on the test and going into college. Cheating isn't tolerated in college. I remember when I was in 5th grade, I really enjoyed playing soccer and capture the flag at recess. But I also remember how those games would end in arguments over who got whom out. "I touched you!" "No, you didn't!" "Yes, I did!!" "No you didn't! I would've felt it!" "You're wearing a PARKA!!" And etc. Kids would do it on purpose too; it would be obvious that they had been tagged and yet they would go grab the flag and make a score anyway. Needless to say, recess sometimes ended in a not-so-friendly manner. And let's not even get started on cheating in relationships. Actually I'm going to talk about it anyway. I've never been cheated on, so I wouldn't know first hand, but I've heard a lot of stories about it and it's really heart-breaking. The cheater has have some nerve to go at it with another girl (or guy) while his/her girlfriend/boyfriend has no idea. And how he/she can go on after that like it never happened I'll never know! That's the ultimate betrayal of trust. And you can never get that squeaky clean reputation after an incident is revealed. Just ask Tiger Woods. I know that the world will never be rid of cheaters, I just wish they'd all die. Ha ha totally kidding!!! But that would take care of the high population....

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