Sunday, February 21, 2010

the love of a Father

He sees her walking up the driveway. A smile spreads across his face. He can't help but smile when she's around. She walks in the house, stamps the snow off her boots, and hangs up her coat.

"Hey honey, how was your day?" he asks.

"Fine," she grunts as she plops down at the kitchen table. There sits a small plate of cookies and a glass of milk. He always made her a snack after school, but he'd surprise her every day with something different.

"So did anything exciting happen today?" he asks, just trying to carry on a conversation.

"No," she says. Annoyance seeps in her voice. Hidden meaning: "Stop talking to me. I'm obviously in a bad mood and the last thing I want to do is talk to you."

"Well now the prom's in 2 weeks. Do you have your dress ready?" he tries again.

"Duh. I got it like a month ago," she mumbles. And that's that. She's obviously had enough "conversation". She grabs her backpack and makes her way up the stairs. No doubt headed for her room, where she'll spend the next 3 hours.

"Hun, is something wrong? You know you can always talk to me about anything." Concern is evident on his face.

"No!! Nothing is wrong. Just leave me alone," she's snaps. She takes the stairs two at a time. Within seconds, music can be heard blaring from upstairs. Her father sighs. It's been so long since she had taken the time to talk to him. 7 weeks, he'd been counting. All he wanted was to enjoy her company, like he used to. A tear threatened to spill over. He wiped it away and began making her dinner.

~The unconditional love of a Father~

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