Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ski Weekend

This weekend, my friend Kelly and I went on a ski trip. It was originally supposed to be a youth group trip but ended up being her, my brother, his friend, and me. I guess everyone else had something else to do. Or were just being bums.

Anyways, we had a 1 1/2 hour drive up to Woodbury, MN. Kelly and I kept ourselves entertained by taking pictures, watching Mean Girls on her laptop, catching up on major events in each other's lives, and Kelly making fun of my broken sunglasses. We stopped for dinner at Chipotle. It was a relief that we weren't in Albert Lea where anyone would have recognized us. My brother, Sam, and his friend, Abe, were acting their age (12 years old) and Kelly & I were extremely hyper. I had minor difficulties understanding the lady behind the counter (she had a very heavy accent) and apparently I said "no" when she asked it I wanted it for here or to go.

When we finally got to the hotel, I was so eager to get out of the cramped van that I spilled my pop. And it somehow ended up splashing on the seat, floor, AND ceiling. If you ever ride in Kelly's van and you see an odd stain on the bad. Kelly and I were super psyched because we were going to get a hotel room all to ourselves. We were especially looking forward to watching the SciFi Channel because that was a tradition of ours. Our youth leader, Michelle walked into the room. "Um can I help you with something?" Kelly asked. "No....," Michelle said. "Oh, are you sleeping in here?" Kelly asked, trying to hide the dismay in her tone. "Yup," she answered. ~sigh~

When we got to the church, Kelly and I went off in a deserted hallway to talk. We weren't being antisocial, because we were the first group there and so there was no one to socialize with. Then we had message in the sancuary and some Karen people from Burma showed us a very moving video and performed songs for us.

Once back at our hotel, Kelly and I took a bath together (with our swimsuits on! sicko) We did not get much sleep at all Friday night because Michelle snored pretty loud. Even with my ipod on, I could hear it! :P

The next morning we checked out & headed off to the slopes. Five minutes down the road, I realized I had forgotten my ipod under my pillow. They had to turn around and take me back to the hotel. I walked in the room a split second before the maid and her little cart pulled up to our room! Luckily it was right where I left it.

We got to the slopes and started skiing right away. Kelly and I ditched the little boys and went down the first hill we found. We mostly stuck to the blue slopes (intermediate) but accidentally went down a couple black diamonds. Ironically, we never fell! Well except one time. But it shouldn't even count because we were going about .2 miles an hour. We weren't even technically skiing, just at the top of a hill arguing about which way to go and our skiis got tangled up and we both fell lol. Oh and she pushed me off the ski lift. Ha ha, not when we were up high! I thought she was right behind me so I got ready for the next chair and then she came up at the last minute and plopped down right in the middle. There was no room for me and the chair pushed me out and sailed up over my head! The guy had to stop the entire lift, made me take off my skiis, and had me get on the next one. I was not very happy with her! Lol. After we got sick of skiing, we hung out with our friend, Napolean. {His real name is Jon Iehl, but we call him Napolean because a) he looks like him. b) he acts exactly like him. c) he has the same name as him, spelled the same too. d) he talks and sounds just like him. e) he makes the same facial expressions as him} We played some Phase 10 and Egyptian Rat Slap.

After we left Afton Alps, we headed back to the church and ate a delicious dinner! We played some ping pong and made interesting name tags for some kids. We had another service: there was a comedian/juggler, we sang songs, had a speaker give a message and it was over! The ride home was very quiet, as everyone was pretty exhausted. I think our driver even fell asleep. Kidding.....totally kidding! And that was our ski weekend!


  1. AHEM! i did not 'push you off' you just were clumsy and fell, whereas i, the graceful, smart one stayed on the chair lift!!!! But either way, pretty sure i was laughing for the whole ride up the lift and halfway down the hill. oh and right now, if that counts. But it was a very fun weekend:) im glad we had the experience together! thats all that matters.

  2. not pushed, but pushed...ya know? lol there has to be a bad guy in every story, so i made it be you :) lol it was fun! and we'll have a blast next weekend at YLC! next weekend. next weekend! gah!!!! we gotta get costumes too :S
