Sunday, February 21, 2010


I thought I knew you. You became predictable, but not in a bad way. I admired you in a way. It's a real shame it's turned into this. One minute you're hunky dorey, and the next you've taken a 180 degree turn. You're a total hyprocrite, but few can see past your mask. I can't stand to see it. You're two-faced. And you don't care. How you can say one thing and then do the complete opposite, I'll never know. The worst part is the disappointment. You've let me down in an immeasurable way. And you couldn't care less. Do you even know you're slipping further and further into the depths? The depths that can change your life in irreversible ways. These choices that you're you realize they can ruin your life?? You're taking a path that will lead to nothing but regret, it happens to kids all the time. Wake up and take a good look at your life. Glance back at the best times of your life. Think of where you've come from and where you want to end up. I hope you're happy with the person you've become, because I never will be.

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