Friday, October 16, 2009

Life Song

How can I live up to your standards? You're perfect. Not a one single flaw, immaculate in every way. That's too much to ask of me. I could never even compare to you. I don't understand so many things. I mess up in irreparable ways but you can fix anything. It doesn't seem fair, that you would choose me. Grateful? Yes. Make sense? No. I don't deserve your love, yet you give it to me anyway. No matter how many times I say I'll change for the better, I stay the same. My desire can fluctuate from time to time. One moment I'll be on the exact same page with you and feel so alive that I feel like dancing, and I don't care who's watching. The next second, you'll be the last thing on my mind. And I know it, but I don't care. It's a cycle, up and down all the time. There's no such thing as in the middle. Either I'm on fire, or I'm not. This is my life song to you. In this crazy life I live, I give you my permission to be first. In everything. In school, tennis, track, basketball managing, show choir, work, friendships, take top priority. It's all for you. My love will never be fake, although it may be in short supply at times, it will always be real.

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