Sunday, January 31, 2010

One Door Closes and Another One Opens

In today's day and age, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of things. Gotta update my status on Facebook at least twice a day because I wouldn't want anyone to not know what I'm up to, gotta put gas in the car so I can make it town in the morning, gotta get up early for show choir practice, gotta finish my homework, gotta watch Grey's Anatomy.....whew with all that going on it's hard to believe there's only 24 hours in a day! But something that I think everyone should keep in mind, is that opporunities come and go. Sometimes, when they present themselves, you don't see it as an opportunity. You may see it as a chore or a bother at the time, but maybe somewhere along the road, it will eventually benefit you. The thing is that we don't know it at the time! It'd be so convenient to know the effects of our actions before we do them (there's something kinda like that, it's called responsibility) You wanna know what the great thing is? One door may close, but another one will always open. You can walk through it or you can go through a different door. Or you can stay in the room you're in right now and not go anywhere. It's totally up to you!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

All Along

You were there all along
I can't believe I never saw you
You were never hidden
And yet I couldn't find you
I suppose it's because I wasn't looking
When you so desperately want something,
You do anything to get it
This wasn't the case
I never knew what I was missing
And therefore I had no need for you
There were reminders of you every place I went
But I was to stubborn to recognize them
What I can't understand,
Is how you never gave up
You kept waiting for me,
Even when you were the last thing on my mind
My mind was full of things
Everything, except you

"All along I was looking for something else
You're something else
All along I was looking for something more
You're so much more
I've finally found what I could never see before
You've always been the one I was looking for."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

All About My Friends!

I love my friends :) I guess that's sort of an obvious statement, I mean of course you love your friends. If you didn't, they wouldn't be your friends. This particular blog is dedicated to two very good friends of mine!

Kelsey Loverink and I will have life-long memories from our days working in the lettuce greenhouse, pillow tag, church trips, a certain Subway moment, skiing, shopping, memorable moments in my van lol, sneaking out of her basement window, watching The Office at my house after school, and several inside jokes ("hey they played this song at the basketball game.....the NBC theme song?", "you wood", "let's rate guys as they walk by....what??....rate, kelsey" "geez why are there so many airplanes in the sky? i've seen like 8 already!....i think they're going in a circle", "sorry guys, I'm wait! I meant dislexic!" .

And with my dear friend Kelly Nelson: Twins games, choir practice at my church (baking frozen lasagna we found, microwaving a bug, prank calling people, dressing up as Canadian/Roman/Jewish mafia, wheelchair races, music videos!) basketball games & bus rides :), making our pastor odd things, New Year's Eve 2008, baking nasty things for a certain boy, pigging out in her building, and also countless inside jokes ("i've had better", "he's so......disorganized!", "you are such a sith lord", "thank you captain poop-head", "just keep driving, and watch the pine cones" "it looks like a meth leaf {in reference to a leaf her mom put on a Christmas slide show})

We are the three musketeers, inseparable :) They're my best friends!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

14 Points

If I had to make 14 rules to live by, this is what they'd be
Number one is to not hold a grudge, have some sympathy
When you bottle up anger, you're helping no one
Rule number two is to not wait for opporunities to come
Grab them when they arrive, or they might pass you by
Number three is to not waste tears or cry
Over something you have no control
Remember that sorrow on widens the hole
To be a little crazy is rule number four
Being normal is what most do, and it's quite a bore
Widen your horizons and you'll have done the fifth one
Step out of your comfort zone, a new experience has begun
Rule six is simple but true
Listen more than you talk, someone's always smarter than you
Rule seven is hard for some to follow
Concentrate on your work even though school sucks we know
I've had my troubles with number eight
I've wandered off the path, haven't always gone straight
But number 9 is a must
Live by FAITH, hope, and trust
Number 10 is hard at times, but in the end is worth it
Get back up and try again, when all you want to do is sit
Rule #11 is very important to me
Make time for what matters! Like friends and family
Now we're to number twelve, but it's still good
Steer cleer of the wrong crowd, hang with peeps you know you should
Number 13 I can't do without
When you make a decision, don't have any doubts
And finally comes number 14, it's about time!
When you write a blog, it doesn't have to rhyme :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

What's WIthin Reach

Ah it's Friday, January 8th and it's 11:09 AM. I'm sitting at home, blogging. OH NO! Why aren't I at school? It's because it's a snow day, don't panic :)

And I've decided to blog about objects that are within my reach.

To my left, is an elaborate Chinese calendar that my family received from a Chinese waitress at the China Buffet. My family goes there so much, the waitresses know us by name and our usual drink orders! This calendar is very colorful and has a bird painted on it, probably Chinese. The dates are all in English (what a relief!) although there are many unknown (to me) inscriptions of Chinese symbols. I suppose they could say things totally unrelated to a calendar, and I wouldn't have the slightest idea.

Just inches from my left hand rests my cell phone. This isn't just any contraption, this is my portal of communication! It's very high tech, and I can play music (although I haven't figured out how), go on the internet, Facebook, Microsoft Word, and even call and text! I'd be lost without this device, it helps me stay connected.

On the floor to my right lies a DVD called Alvin and the Chipmunks. This is a great movie, very funny and cute :) it's about 3 chipmunks adventures with their buddy, "Dav", and all the mischief and mayhem they cause. My favorite chipmunk is theodore because he is chubby and adorable. and whada ya know? he's voiced by another cutie, jesse mccartney!

My brother's water bottle sits on the computer desk to my right. This is odd, considering that we're not allowed to have liquids anywhere other than the kitchen. Hmmm. I should inform mother of this....

And lastly, there is a mighty piano to my left. Probably not the best place for a piano, considering when the rare chance someone (being me 99.9% of the time) plays it, the unfortunate person at the computer gets a blast of music right in their ear. It just so happens that I usually feel the urge to play when Samuel is on the computer.....purely coincidence.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Know It All

For so long I have thought that I've got it figured out
Not everything, of course, but enough
I could get by with what I have
And I don't need help....from anyone
Because help shows weakness, that you can't maintain yourself
If I don't know the answer, I'll pretend I do
Or figure it out as soon as I can, so I can't admit I don't know
And so this is my image, a know-it-all
Ask me a question and the first thing I'll have is an answer
The last thing is an "I don't know"
But realization finally hit.
I don't know nearly enough
Not even close
12 years of school
Countless homework, projects, tests
I still only know a tiny percentage of what's out there
And I could study and study and study until my brain almost bursts
For my whole life I could devote myself to knowledge
And I would still not learn it all
Not even close
And there'll always be someone smarter, with more answers than I
And that's where help is key
Because asking for help isn't a sign of giving up
Guidance is a checkpoint on the road to success