Thursday, January 7, 2010

Know It All

For so long I have thought that I've got it figured out
Not everything, of course, but enough
I could get by with what I have
And I don't need help....from anyone
Because help shows weakness, that you can't maintain yourself
If I don't know the answer, I'll pretend I do
Or figure it out as soon as I can, so I can't admit I don't know
And so this is my image, a know-it-all
Ask me a question and the first thing I'll have is an answer
The last thing is an "I don't know"
But realization finally hit.
I don't know nearly enough
Not even close
12 years of school
Countless homework, projects, tests
I still only know a tiny percentage of what's out there
And I could study and study and study until my brain almost bursts
For my whole life I could devote myself to knowledge
And I would still not learn it all
Not even close
And there'll always be someone smarter, with more answers than I
And that's where help is key
Because asking for help isn't a sign of giving up
Guidance is a checkpoint on the road to success

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