Sunday, January 17, 2010

All About My Friends!

I love my friends :) I guess that's sort of an obvious statement, I mean of course you love your friends. If you didn't, they wouldn't be your friends. This particular blog is dedicated to two very good friends of mine!

Kelsey Loverink and I will have life-long memories from our days working in the lettuce greenhouse, pillow tag, church trips, a certain Subway moment, skiing, shopping, memorable moments in my van lol, sneaking out of her basement window, watching The Office at my house after school, and several inside jokes ("hey they played this song at the basketball game.....the NBC theme song?", "you wood", "let's rate guys as they walk by....what??....rate, kelsey" "geez why are there so many airplanes in the sky? i've seen like 8 already!....i think they're going in a circle", "sorry guys, I'm wait! I meant dislexic!" .

And with my dear friend Kelly Nelson: Twins games, choir practice at my church (baking frozen lasagna we found, microwaving a bug, prank calling people, dressing up as Canadian/Roman/Jewish mafia, wheelchair races, music videos!) basketball games & bus rides :), making our pastor odd things, New Year's Eve 2008, baking nasty things for a certain boy, pigging out in her building, and also countless inside jokes ("i've had better", "he's so......disorganized!", "you are such a sith lord", "thank you captain poop-head", "just keep driving, and watch the pine cones" "it looks like a meth leaf {in reference to a leaf her mom put on a Christmas slide show})

We are the three musketeers, inseparable :) They're my best friends!


  1. oh miss colleen! this is adorable!
    here's the only part you left out.

    Then there is Katie Lucas. She is one of my most favorite people on earth and we do all sorts of silly things. She loves to hug my whole family (samuel the most, even though he doesn't love her back- yet) and shes pretty crazy but her and i, well we're tighter than spandex.

    haha there:) i love you madam

  2. oh good grief what was i thinking?? good thing you added that comment ;) love you too!!
