Sunday, January 31, 2010

One Door Closes and Another One Opens

In today's day and age, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of things. Gotta update my status on Facebook at least twice a day because I wouldn't want anyone to not know what I'm up to, gotta put gas in the car so I can make it town in the morning, gotta get up early for show choir practice, gotta finish my homework, gotta watch Grey's Anatomy.....whew with all that going on it's hard to believe there's only 24 hours in a day! But something that I think everyone should keep in mind, is that opporunities come and go. Sometimes, when they present themselves, you don't see it as an opportunity. You may see it as a chore or a bother at the time, but maybe somewhere along the road, it will eventually benefit you. The thing is that we don't know it at the time! It'd be so convenient to know the effects of our actions before we do them (there's something kinda like that, it's called responsibility) You wanna know what the great thing is? One door may close, but another one will always open. You can walk through it or you can go through a different door. Or you can stay in the room you're in right now and not go anywhere. It's totally up to you!

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