Sunday, March 28, 2010

Enough Hours in the Day

It seems to me like there are NEVER enough hours in the day. When I was younger, I used to get bored a lot. Especially on the weekends. I can't even remember the last time I was bored. I'm not even sure I remember what it feels like to be bored! I pile so much on myself, plus I have so many other things I'm involved in. And I like it....most of the time. And other times I'm my thoughts are all jumbled because I have so much on my to do list that I can't even think straight! (that also happens at other times, when I have no excuse for my lack of mental awareness) Even when it seems like I have all my work done, it's not. I still have some neglected chores, that life story Grandma wants me to type, my Health indepenedent study, etc. And let's not forget the fun stuff that I never seem to do anymore. Shopping, buying songs on itunes, writing letters, reading. For the most part, it's gone out the window. I definitely need to limit things my life could do without (aka time spent on Facebook, texting, going to school.....ha ha just kidding about that last one)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

St. Louis Band Trip!!! Part 2

Sunday morning was a very special morning for my friend, Kelly Nelson. Itwas her 16th birthday!!! I had invited a bunch of other girls to meet outside her hotel room at 7:50 a.m. I grabbed her present and some cupcakes I brought from home and me, Taylor, and Annabelle met Kelsey Thomas, Anissa, Chrissy, and Shelby outside room 412. Claire opened the door (not quite awake yet) and we snuck into the dark room and yelled "Happy Birthday!" Kelly groaned and rolled over. It took about 5 minutes for her to become her normal self. And then she was grateful for our little celebration :)

The first thing on Sunday's agenda was the art museum. This was the most boring part of the entire trip. Not only was I a walking zombie, but I found the featured art to be extremely dull. Half the stuff in there I could've made! And unfortunately we wasted 2 1/2 hours there. But I really looked forward to our next place--the zoo! Although it was a rainy, cold day, the zoo offered several things to do. We ate some expensive, greasy, fattening zoo food (people food, not pellets) and played some cards. Then we went and checked out the zebra, tiger, camel, leopard, antelope, and lion exhibits. At the lion exhibit, the "Nala" and "Simba" lions were being extremely antisocial but we found that they turned their heads when we sang "Hakuna Matata"! It was pretty funny, a Korean couple pushing their baby in a stroller passed by and were laughing, probably thinking, "They're obviously Minnesotans." We were really pressed for time so we didn't get to see the apes, monkeys, flamingos, or bears. Which begs the question, why did we spend an hour more at that blasted art museum??!

We went to 2 more museums, the St. Louis History and Art Museums, which were actually really interesting. After that we killed a little time at Union Station and did a little shopping! For dinner that evening, we were treated to a river boat cruise! It was really fancy and it was really peaceful to look out and see the city lights in the water's reflection. Afterward we had an rockin' dance! We worked up quite a sweat gettin' our moves on :) and the Denver Lutheran High School Choir, who had been eating upstairs, joined us!

Monday morning was checkout time. It was a bittersweet time, packing up and saying goodbye to our hotel room but at the same time looking forward to sleeping in our own beds that night! We still had a couple more places to visit. We went to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. The tour guide got our hopes up by telling us there was a hedge maze. But to our dismay we discovered it was about 4 feet tall and about the size of the music suite :P Then we went to a local Lutheran Elementary School and the jazz band and orchestra performed. I worked my muliti-tasking skills and finished up some homework while intently listening to their music. And then we headed home! Ironically the warm, sunny weather were the two days we traveled and the rainy, cold weather was cast upon our outings :(

The ride home was really long. 10 hours long. But I had friends, a movie, my ipod, a book and some snacks to keep me company. Once back at the high school, I had the privelage of bus clean-up duty. It amazed me how much garbage and crap I found on the floor!! For goodness sake, pick up after yourselves! Oh and the back of the bus smelled like fish. Thank you boys for buying really gold fish at Wal Mart and dragging them all the way from Missouri to Albert Lea. Well I had an amazing time on the trip but I was wore out. I got home, got under my covers, and drifted off to sleep :)

St. Louis Band Trip!!! Part 1

The adventure began at 11:30 a.m. central time, Friday, March 19th, 2010. I gobbled up my lunch (it was weird eating with the A lunchers), grabbed my suitcase, and headed out to the bus. Once we finally got everything and everyone loaded, we began our journey southward. I had the pleasure of sitting next to Annabelle Randall. We talked, laughed, did some homework, played B.S. with Addison, Kelly, and Kelsey, and watched some awesome movies, such as: Pirates of the Caribbean, Up (very cute movie :), and Transformers. We stopped in Iowa City to do a little shopping and stretch out our cramped limbs. After that, we drove for a couple more hours and then stopped for some dinner. I ate at Sonic, and it was really good! I'd never been there before and it was cool to eat at a drive in/walk in restaurant. Although I think the waitress wasn't too happy with us, she had to serve about 50 rowdy high school kids :S We finally got to the Drury Inn and about 10 p.m. I was expecting a nice hotel but this certainly exceeded my expectations!! It was 7 floors!! We went swimming, and you could swim under a flap and go from the indoor pool to the outdoor one. Who woulda thunk?? Swimming outside in March! We were pooped from our long day of travels but somehow me and my roomies (Taylor Peek and Annabelle) stayed up til midnightish watching the Suite Life of Zach and Cody.

We were rudely awoken at 7 a.m. by the blaring of the phone. I was extremely irritated and answered with a sleepy "Helloo?" "Good morning!" Came the voice of our chaperone. "May I ask who I'm speaking with? It took me about 5 seconds to comprehend to register what she said, adn then another 2 seconds to figure out how to answer. It's still a mystery to me why she felt the need to wake us up an hour and a half before we needed to leave!?! But we ate a yummy breakfast of sausage, biscuits n gravy, eggs, cereal, and juice and set off for our first activity. The orchestra and band played a couple songs at the Washington University. I wasn't awake and so the whole process seemed to take muchhhh longer than it needed to. If it would be possible to fall asleep while playing an instrument, I would've done it. Next stop: Walk of Fame. I didn't pay much attention to the stars beneath my feet (because there were stores and statues-potential Kodak moments-lining the sidewalk) but I did happen to see a couple famous names I recognized like: Dred Scott, Miles Davis, and Tina Turner.

Then we were off to the Hard Rock Cafe at Union Station! I was excited because I'd heard nothing but good things about the restaurant. And I wasn't disappointed, the food was delicious! I wanted to get something at the gift shop but having inherited my dad's bargain-itis, I didn't see anything worth spending $25 on.

Now you can't go to St. Louis without going to the Gateway Arch, which is where we went next. The Gateway Arch is 630 ft tall and started being built in 1963 and was completed in 1965. The reason for its construction was for a nationwide contest for a monument honoring westward expansion and the pioneers. In case you were wondering :) The little sphere-shaped enclosement that took you up to the top was very small, and I fear that if a claoustrophobic person ever went up there they might have a heart attack. But I liked it! We got to the top and it was a really spectacular view of the city. Kelly and a local adult took an interesting picture together ("butt" let's just say, the other person didn't know it) We decided to be bold so we asked Mr. Gepson if we could go on a horse drawn carriage ride instead of going to the arch museum. Surprisingly, he said yes just as long as I called him and told him when we'd be back. So we went around a couple blocks and saw some lovely sights for half an hour.

Next up was the Old Spaghetti Factory. It was extremely fancy and really big, plus the spaghetti was top notch. Even if we did have to wait 45 minutes for it. Which actually created an interesting twist in our next activity-the symphony orchestra concert. Most of us were plum exhausted and just wanted to sleep but we were outvoted. By Mr. Gepson. The bus drivers had to step on it to to get there before the doors closed. He had to park a couple blocks away and all us band/orchestra students in our fancy clothes ran down the sidewalks all the way. We received many laughs and a glare or two from passerby's. Most likely thinking, "They're obviously Minnesotans." We made it just in time and noisely settled into our seats. (Apparantly we got a couple complaints about our entrance) It was 2 1/2 hours of music. 2 1/2 hours. 2 1/2 hours!!! Don't get me wrong, it was really pretty and I would've enjoyed it if I wouldn't have been so sleep deprived. I decided to catch up on some sleep, falling asleep twice. Once back at the hotel, as soon as the T.V. was shut off I was out within 2 minutes.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

On the Outside Looking In

“Oh God, you are so holy!” The people sing.
“We lay it at your feet! All our love we bring!”
But do we really mean it? Or just listening to our voice?
We go along with the crowd, like we don’t have a choice.
We may clap our hands & belt it out
Could God hear the sincerity without the shadow of a doubt?
Let’s put on a show, act better than we usually do
Maybe we can fool God, leave everyone without a clue
We go about our week, thank Him here & there
We are stressed & have problems but don’t stop to say a prayer
How come we so often push him away
When he devoted his life to us, our sins to save?
“I just don’t have time for devotions,” we say to ourselves.
And what about your Bible, sitting dusty on your shelf?
How can it be that we spend hours with our friends?
But can’t give God the time of day, whose love never ends?
Why is it so hard to mention Jesus name
But so easy to gossip & not have any shame?
Sure, you go to church, may even sing in the choir.
But do you know where you’re going when your life expires?

He shouldn’t love us, sinful as we are.
When it comes to salvation, we’re just not up to par.
Thank God there’s a happy ending after all!
He will NEVER leave us, he’ll help us when we fall.
So don’t give up hope, you can’t do it alone!
God promises to be there, my life he owns.
But don’t get the wrong idea, it matters when we sin.
Sin separates us from God & he can’t dwell within.
Don’t think it’s no big deal when you disobey your mother.
Don’t think, “Ah God doesn’t care,” when you hurt your brother.
So what are you waiting for?! Let your light shine!
Help someone who’s hurting, assure them they’ll be fine.
Step out of your comfort zone and show a little care.
Learn to let go of pride, it’s something you can spare.
Cherish the good times and grin through the bad.
And never forget, you’ve got the best friend you could possibly have.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Her Answered Plea

I wake up again to another day.
“Boring, boring,” are the first words I say.
What is there to look forward to? I wish I had more.
Oh I have so much to do, and chores galore.
I groan and moan as I get on the bus.
My seat is taken so I start to fuss.
School is a drag; I failed my exam.
Kids don’t understand me; I can’t be who I am.
My friends are all busy, again it seems.
They never have time for me, only in my dreams.
Why should I even bother to try?
To live my life, with standards set high?
I’m not an athlete, and no one seems to care
That I need help in history, I’m never prepared.
Home life isn’t any better; my parents are never there.
I wish I had someone to talk to when I’m so deep in despair.
I decide that I’ve had it, with my pitiful life.
Now is the time to end all this strife.

“Please, don’t do it!” a voice shouts in my head.
I’m knocked off my feet and fall on my bed.
“I love you, so much, don’t you see?
I’ve always been with you, it’s always been me.”

“No, you haven’t,” I started to say.
“If you were with me, my life would be OK.”

“You never gave me a chance, I’ve been here all along
Just waiting for you to realize, you can’t do it on your own.
I died for you sins, just give them over to me.
I will make your life better, I promise, you’ll see.
So surrender your life, but not in a bad way.
Just give me your heart, and tell me you’ll stay.
Just do like I do, and love those you meet.
You’ll quit in the gossip, and never cheat.
I won’t end all your troubles, but I’ll help you through them.
I’ll rule over you life, and give you all my attention.
All you must do is truly believe,
That I died on the cross so your sins are relieved.
But that I didn’t stay dead, I arose again.
Death couldn’t hold me; I erased all your sin.
I love you more than anyone could.
I created you myself, and I definitely would
Give my life for you again, just so you’d see
I am the only way to be truly happy.
So, please, go to church, worship and praise.
And I’d really appreciate if you started to pray.
But don’t think that I’m an uptight King
I love a good laugh, and I’m OK with joking.
As long as you don’t put down anyone,
Because I’m against discrimination, I love everyone!
And if you ever need a guide to read,
The Bible’s always there, it’s something you need.
So, to end my speech, tell everyone you know!
Tell them my love is continuing to grow.”

“I’m so sorry, Lord,” I started to cry.
“I’ve heard about you before, but I didn’t realize
That you cared about a person like me.
I didn’t think you’d see me; I have no dignity.
But I understand now, the price you paid
And I’ll praise you forever, all of my days
No longer will I complain and fret
I have Jesus in my heart, that’s a sure bet.”

So I started the next day with a prayer to my King.
“Jesus, I love you. Thanks for everything.”
There’s a kid sitting in my seat, his bag in the aisle.
“Go ahead and sit there,” I say with a smile.
School’s still a drag, but it doesn’t bother me.
I’ve got something special, and others can see.
My friends notice a change, and wonder what’s different.
I tell them my story and why I’m in high spirits.
I work the hardest that I can possibly do.
My grades are improving; I ran the mile in 7:02.
At home, things are better than ever before.
My parents are home more and more.
They say it’s because I’m more fun to be around.
I tell them my story, and my parents abound.
So look how Jesus has revived my life.
I’m no longer miserable in all my strife.
Trust in him, he can do amazing things.
Give your life to him and watch what he brings.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Little Ditty

Once upon a time, in a place far away
There lived a young lady and her name was Kay
She looked like a goddess and smelled like a rose
Her cheeks were so pink, she had such a pointed nose
All the men had there eyes on her
But she had a secret she'd never confer
Every night before bed, she'd take off her mask
And beneath it was something horrible, don't even ask!
The sight was so horrific, she had to spare the world
For if a glance was caught of this tragedy, all would surely hurl
So every morning before the grass had it's dew
She'd put on her mask, so nobody knew
She'd wear it all day and no one would guess
But her secret was about to be put to the test
For she met a fine fellow, with a light in his eye
He'd kiss her so sweetly before they said goodbye
But not long there after, something dreadful occurred
It was a romantic evening, and he spoke these words
"Please, my dear, draw closer to me.
For in this moonlight, your face I can clearly see"
She tried to stop him but try as she might
He stroked her face and his smile turned to fright
"My love! I don't mean to sound drastic
But it seems that your face feels like plastic!"
With a sigh, she knew her secret was no more
Why lie to him? Surely he'd love her like he did before
She removed her mask. And there it was, plain and simple
On her forehead, round and red, was a great big pimple

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What I Wanna Hear

If I told you how I felt, would you tell me what I want to hear?
Or how you really feel?
If I told you how much I need you
Would that scare you away?
If I told you you're better than everyone says you are
Would you believe me?
If I told you how your smile brightens my day
I hope that wouldn't creep you out!
Your prescence used to light up the room
And now, when you walk through that door
All I see is what could've been
If I had said something
But you never knew
I was a coward and replayed the "What if's" over and over again
Until it was too late
And now we can never go back
It's a shame it ended like this
But oh well, I guess
At least I've moved on
Because I never heard what I wanted to hear

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lasertag :)

Lasertag. One of my new favorite hobbies. I've only gone twice, but in those 2 times I've played about 12 games! Granted, I've gotten 2nd to last on my team all but one game, but hey at least I had fun :) And apparantly, the whole time I had been shooting at the wrong base (I thought if your vest was blue, you shot at the blue base for bonus points) "Um you're shooting at the wrong base," a guy said to me. "But I'm blue...." I said confusedly. "Uh yeah, you're supposed to shoot at the opposite team's base." "Ohhh....." Lasertag is a mix between hide and seek and war (minus the bullets and pain) in a dark, foggy room full of obstacles. The best part is hiding behind a wall and shooting 5 unsuspecting opponents that run by. We added some extra twists, like falling over whenever you got shot. It's definitely a workout, too! So maybe next time you're dreading hitting the gym, run over to play laser tag. Well actually you might want to drive because it's in Prior Lake. Future birthday party idea? I think so :)

Drama. Bluck :P

I'm grateful for a lot of things, but one of the biggest things is my drama-free life. I've never had to go through family illnesses, pregnancy, STDs, divorce, a loved one's death, poverty, a natural disaster, a fire, kidnapping, raping, car accident, i've never even broken anything!!! My life is so cushy, and I have God to thank for it. Another thing, my life is practically drama free. I have problems, don't get me wrong. Mostly friend troubles, but who doesn't??

I always feel bad for the people who have soooo much drama in their lives. It just consumes them, and everyone knows it. Sure, they may have brought it on themselves. It could have been totally purposeful or maybe a total mistake. To most people, it doesn't matter. It's the lastest gossip material. Everyone's heard their story, rotten and twisted as it may be. (true or not) "Hey did you hear that Joe Klucker is doing his science project with Mary Uckmeister??" turns into-- "Hey, did you hear that Jack Ducker is having sex with Marie Bluckmeister?" It's PATHETIC!! But it seems to be human nature. You tell me the juicy details, I don't care who you heard it from or if they're a reliable source. And if I feel like it, I'll tell 1...2...or 5o people. Drama has unfolded. Then there's the cases where everything being said is true. Sadly, these cases are as common as you find gum under a desk. The drama victim has told a so-called reliable source of his/her problems and is then betrayed by the so-called reliable source, who is actually a major blabbermouth who will do anything for a little recognition. On the other hand, the person in a poopload of drama believes that the only attention they're able to get is negative attention. So they don't care everyone is talking about what/whom they did this weekend. As long as they're in the spotlight, and their name is being said it doesn't matter. In this world, reputation appears to be everything. Images can be shattered easily though, and they can't be put together.

I hear gossip every single day. Next time I'll think twice about repeating it.