Sunday, March 7, 2010

Drama. Bluck :P

I'm grateful for a lot of things, but one of the biggest things is my drama-free life. I've never had to go through family illnesses, pregnancy, STDs, divorce, a loved one's death, poverty, a natural disaster, a fire, kidnapping, raping, car accident, i've never even broken anything!!! My life is so cushy, and I have God to thank for it. Another thing, my life is practically drama free. I have problems, don't get me wrong. Mostly friend troubles, but who doesn't??

I always feel bad for the people who have soooo much drama in their lives. It just consumes them, and everyone knows it. Sure, they may have brought it on themselves. It could have been totally purposeful or maybe a total mistake. To most people, it doesn't matter. It's the lastest gossip material. Everyone's heard their story, rotten and twisted as it may be. (true or not) "Hey did you hear that Joe Klucker is doing his science project with Mary Uckmeister??" turns into-- "Hey, did you hear that Jack Ducker is having sex with Marie Bluckmeister?" It's PATHETIC!! But it seems to be human nature. You tell me the juicy details, I don't care who you heard it from or if they're a reliable source. And if I feel like it, I'll tell 1...2...or 5o people. Drama has unfolded. Then there's the cases where everything being said is true. Sadly, these cases are as common as you find gum under a desk. The drama victim has told a so-called reliable source of his/her problems and is then betrayed by the so-called reliable source, who is actually a major blabbermouth who will do anything for a little recognition. On the other hand, the person in a poopload of drama believes that the only attention they're able to get is negative attention. So they don't care everyone is talking about what/whom they did this weekend. As long as they're in the spotlight, and their name is being said it doesn't matter. In this world, reputation appears to be everything. Images can be shattered easily though, and they can't be put together.

I hear gossip every single day. Next time I'll think twice about repeating it.

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