Thursday, March 11, 2010

What I Wanna Hear

If I told you how I felt, would you tell me what I want to hear?
Or how you really feel?
If I told you how much I need you
Would that scare you away?
If I told you you're better than everyone says you are
Would you believe me?
If I told you how your smile brightens my day
I hope that wouldn't creep you out!
Your prescence used to light up the room
And now, when you walk through that door
All I see is what could've been
If I had said something
But you never knew
I was a coward and replayed the "What if's" over and over again
Until it was too late
And now we can never go back
It's a shame it ended like this
But oh well, I guess
At least I've moved on
Because I never heard what I wanted to hear

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