Sunday, March 28, 2010

Enough Hours in the Day

It seems to me like there are NEVER enough hours in the day. When I was younger, I used to get bored a lot. Especially on the weekends. I can't even remember the last time I was bored. I'm not even sure I remember what it feels like to be bored! I pile so much on myself, plus I have so many other things I'm involved in. And I like it....most of the time. And other times I'm my thoughts are all jumbled because I have so much on my to do list that I can't even think straight! (that also happens at other times, when I have no excuse for my lack of mental awareness) Even when it seems like I have all my work done, it's not. I still have some neglected chores, that life story Grandma wants me to type, my Health indepenedent study, etc. And let's not forget the fun stuff that I never seem to do anymore. Shopping, buying songs on itunes, writing letters, reading. For the most part, it's gone out the window. I definitely need to limit things my life could do without (aka time spent on Facebook, texting, going to school.....ha ha just kidding about that last one)

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