Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Little Ditty

Once upon a time, in a place far away
There lived a young lady and her name was Kay
She looked like a goddess and smelled like a rose
Her cheeks were so pink, she had such a pointed nose
All the men had there eyes on her
But she had a secret she'd never confer
Every night before bed, she'd take off her mask
And beneath it was something horrible, don't even ask!
The sight was so horrific, she had to spare the world
For if a glance was caught of this tragedy, all would surely hurl
So every morning before the grass had it's dew
She'd put on her mask, so nobody knew
She'd wear it all day and no one would guess
But her secret was about to be put to the test
For she met a fine fellow, with a light in his eye
He'd kiss her so sweetly before they said goodbye
But not long there after, something dreadful occurred
It was a romantic evening, and he spoke these words
"Please, my dear, draw closer to me.
For in this moonlight, your face I can clearly see"
She tried to stop him but try as she might
He stroked her face and his smile turned to fright
"My love! I don't mean to sound drastic
But it seems that your face feels like plastic!"
With a sigh, she knew her secret was no more
Why lie to him? Surely he'd love her like he did before
She removed her mask. And there it was, plain and simple
On her forehead, round and red, was a great big pimple

1 comment:

  1. colleen this was awesomee!!!!!! it was so good, i was not expecting the end! it sounded like a fairytale :)
