Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Her Answered Plea

I wake up again to another day.
“Boring, boring,” are the first words I say.
What is there to look forward to? I wish I had more.
Oh I have so much to do, and chores galore.
I groan and moan as I get on the bus.
My seat is taken so I start to fuss.
School is a drag; I failed my exam.
Kids don’t understand me; I can’t be who I am.
My friends are all busy, again it seems.
They never have time for me, only in my dreams.
Why should I even bother to try?
To live my life, with standards set high?
I’m not an athlete, and no one seems to care
That I need help in history, I’m never prepared.
Home life isn’t any better; my parents are never there.
I wish I had someone to talk to when I’m so deep in despair.
I decide that I’ve had it, with my pitiful life.
Now is the time to end all this strife.

“Please, don’t do it!” a voice shouts in my head.
I’m knocked off my feet and fall on my bed.
“I love you, so much, don’t you see?
I’ve always been with you, it’s always been me.”

“No, you haven’t,” I started to say.
“If you were with me, my life would be OK.”

“You never gave me a chance, I’ve been here all along
Just waiting for you to realize, you can’t do it on your own.
I died for you sins, just give them over to me.
I will make your life better, I promise, you’ll see.
So surrender your life, but not in a bad way.
Just give me your heart, and tell me you’ll stay.
Just do like I do, and love those you meet.
You’ll quit in the gossip, and never cheat.
I won’t end all your troubles, but I’ll help you through them.
I’ll rule over you life, and give you all my attention.
All you must do is truly believe,
That I died on the cross so your sins are relieved.
But that I didn’t stay dead, I arose again.
Death couldn’t hold me; I erased all your sin.
I love you more than anyone could.
I created you myself, and I definitely would
Give my life for you again, just so you’d see
I am the only way to be truly happy.
So, please, go to church, worship and praise.
And I’d really appreciate if you started to pray.
But don’t think that I’m an uptight King
I love a good laugh, and I’m OK with joking.
As long as you don’t put down anyone,
Because I’m against discrimination, I love everyone!
And if you ever need a guide to read,
The Bible’s always there, it’s something you need.
So, to end my speech, tell everyone you know!
Tell them my love is continuing to grow.”

“I’m so sorry, Lord,” I started to cry.
“I’ve heard about you before, but I didn’t realize
That you cared about a person like me.
I didn’t think you’d see me; I have no dignity.
But I understand now, the price you paid
And I’ll praise you forever, all of my days
No longer will I complain and fret
I have Jesus in my heart, that’s a sure bet.”

So I started the next day with a prayer to my King.
“Jesus, I love you. Thanks for everything.”
There’s a kid sitting in my seat, his bag in the aisle.
“Go ahead and sit there,” I say with a smile.
School’s still a drag, but it doesn’t bother me.
I’ve got something special, and others can see.
My friends notice a change, and wonder what’s different.
I tell them my story and why I’m in high spirits.
I work the hardest that I can possibly do.
My grades are improving; I ran the mile in 7:02.
At home, things are better than ever before.
My parents are home more and more.
They say it’s because I’m more fun to be around.
I tell them my story, and my parents abound.
So look how Jesus has revived my life.
I’m no longer miserable in all my strife.
Trust in him, he can do amazing things.
Give your life to him and watch what he brings.

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