Tuesday, March 23, 2010

St. Louis Band Trip!!! Part 2

Sunday morning was a very special morning for my friend, Kelly Nelson. Itwas her 16th birthday!!! I had invited a bunch of other girls to meet outside her hotel room at 7:50 a.m. I grabbed her present and some cupcakes I brought from home and me, Taylor, and Annabelle met Kelsey Thomas, Anissa, Chrissy, and Shelby outside room 412. Claire opened the door (not quite awake yet) and we snuck into the dark room and yelled "Happy Birthday!" Kelly groaned and rolled over. It took about 5 minutes for her to become her normal self. And then she was grateful for our little celebration :)

The first thing on Sunday's agenda was the art museum. This was the most boring part of the entire trip. Not only was I a walking zombie, but I found the featured art to be extremely dull. Half the stuff in there I could've made! And unfortunately we wasted 2 1/2 hours there. But I really looked forward to our next place--the zoo! Although it was a rainy, cold day, the zoo offered several things to do. We ate some expensive, greasy, fattening zoo food (people food, not pellets) and played some cards. Then we went and checked out the zebra, tiger, camel, leopard, antelope, and lion exhibits. At the lion exhibit, the "Nala" and "Simba" lions were being extremely antisocial but we found that they turned their heads when we sang "Hakuna Matata"! It was pretty funny, a Korean couple pushing their baby in a stroller passed by and were laughing, probably thinking, "They're obviously Minnesotans." We were really pressed for time so we didn't get to see the apes, monkeys, flamingos, or bears. Which begs the question, why did we spend an hour more at that blasted art museum??!

We went to 2 more museums, the St. Louis History and Art Museums, which were actually really interesting. After that we killed a little time at Union Station and did a little shopping! For dinner that evening, we were treated to a river boat cruise! It was really fancy and it was really peaceful to look out and see the city lights in the water's reflection. Afterward we had an rockin' dance! We worked up quite a sweat gettin' our moves on :) and the Denver Lutheran High School Choir, who had been eating upstairs, joined us!

Monday morning was checkout time. It was a bittersweet time, packing up and saying goodbye to our hotel room but at the same time looking forward to sleeping in our own beds that night! We still had a couple more places to visit. We went to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. The tour guide got our hopes up by telling us there was a hedge maze. But to our dismay we discovered it was about 4 feet tall and about the size of the music suite :P Then we went to a local Lutheran Elementary School and the jazz band and orchestra performed. I worked my muliti-tasking skills and finished up some homework while intently listening to their music. And then we headed home! Ironically the warm, sunny weather were the two days we traveled and the rainy, cold weather was cast upon our outings :(

The ride home was really long. 10 hours long. But I had friends, a movie, my ipod, a book and some snacks to keep me company. Once back at the high school, I had the privelage of bus clean-up duty. It amazed me how much garbage and crap I found on the floor!! For goodness sake, pick up after yourselves! Oh and the back of the bus smelled like fish. Thank you boys for buying really gold fish at Wal Mart and dragging them all the way from Missouri to Albert Lea. Well I had an amazing time on the trip but I was wore out. I got home, got under my covers, and drifted off to sleep :)

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